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Get ready for some facts!
-Good narwhals are: Digital Narwhal, Regular Narwhal, Land Narwhal, & Prehistoric Narwhal
-This site needs more content
-Making a website looks very hard and it "is"
-National Narwhal Day is April 22nd
-Heinz Ketchup was recentley advertising a cookie recipe on the back of their ketchup bottles. The cookies are called "Tic-Tac-Toe Cookies". The ingredients contain all your normal peanut-butter cookie ingredients, but since it's Heinz, they added ketchup.
-A .gif file (moving image) is pronouned jif, not gif
-I need more facts
-The Earth's 3rd hottest layer is called the Mantle
-Don't eat the orange stuff on the trees
-15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance
-This fact was removed due to stupidity
-Peanuts grow underground
-In Greece, Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Albania, nodding your head means "no"
-Mt. Everest grows about 0.1576 inches (about four milimeters) each year
-Opossums are not rodents
-"God" is the only character in The Simpsons with five fingers
-Killer whales are actually dolphins
-Giraffes have extremely high blood pressure
-Cashews come from a fruit
-The piano is a string instrument
-It is not illegal to lie on the news (television)
-Time speeds up in higher elevations
-A group of narwhals is called a group, a blessing, or a pod
-I don't debug things, but when I do, they're even worse than before
-Narwhal has seven letters
-Seven is my favorite number
-Narwhal is my favorite word
-Squackers the Morbidly Obese MLG Dolphin died 4/28/16
-I'm seriously running out of facts please help and email me some
-< html:really_good_fact:true:javascript.error/falsejFAU%u^&AUFHBvg^%SDTFAUKbid.html>
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